Sunday, September 30, 2007

Taj Mahal - partial

i went to Delhi with great anticipation....that i'm finally going to see the taj mahai
i left Delhi with regret on 29 Sept evening....i spent 4 hrs of journey from delhi to agra and another 4 grueling hours back...
just to arrive there to be stopped at the entrance bcos the place is closed to public due to a VIP visit...u will never understand the anguish i felt at that time....
the ground will be open to public at 4pm which is impossible for me as i have a plane to catch in delhi in that same friend said "this is India, get use to it!"
in the end....we are left with only Another View of Taj Mahal and S$250 poorer

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

World 2nd longest beach

i was at the world 2nd longest beach in Chennai
glad i came and take a look....was debating to come because the sun has set and it was pretty dark...but the crowd are still sitting around....enjoying their sunday nite out....
and the sand is so smooth and stretch quite a distance into the sea.....what a great difference....compared to those we had back home....

a pity i didn't have my camera with me...
got to wait for my friends to send me some snaps...